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For Immediate Release


Leslie Weddell
(719) 389-6038


Project increases Mathias Hall’s usability, commitment to sustainability

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – August 20, 2010 – Colorado College’s largest student residence, Mathias Hall, is reopening after having undergone a long-anticipated and much-needed renovation during the summer break.

CC’s department of residential life and housing is hosting a renovation celebration in the Mathias Hall South Courtyard at 3:30 p.m., Aug. 24. Tours will be offered from 4-5 p.m. Mathias Hall, which houses 296 students, is located at 1130 N. Nevada Ave., on the southwest corner of Uintah Street and Nevada Avenue.

The $3.5 million renovation began the day the students moved out in May and was completed in advance of the residence halls’ opening on August 28. The project was funded completely through the housing fees paid by students and did not require the college to expend money from its general fund. Colorado College partnered with local companies as much as possible (GHPhipps, Keys and Associates, Jean Sebben Associates, M-E Engineers, MGA Structural Engineers) to help bolster the local economy while benefiting from the current lower costs of construction.

The  renovation project increases the flexibility of the building’s common spaces and enhances community with more inviting gathering spots; demonstrates a commitment to sustainability by utilizing low-flow water fixtures, recycled content materials, Energy Star appliances and energy efficient lighting; and integrates technology upgrades to improve opportunities for students to collaborate on projects and assignments.

The project also includes the expansion of the college’s Living Learning Communities (LLCs) from one to four. This program is a collaboration between multiple offices within student life and academics. The purpose of an LLC is to provide an intentional housing community, including a dedicated kitchen and lounge area, for a group of students who would like to develop their knowledge around a shared interest. Although each community must abide by Colorado College guidelines and policies, each community also develops its own standards of living and program plans with the assistance of a staff advisor. Students who applied to participate in next year’s communities had the option of choosing among four different themes: Grassroots Organizing, The Spirit of Non-Violence, Gender and Sexuality and Global.

Mathias Hall, built in 1966, was named after Henry Edwin Mathias, a professor of geology and an administrator who served the college in many different offices from 1927 to 1966.

For information, directions or disability accommodation at the event, members of the public may call (719) 389-6607.

About Colorado College
Colorado College is a nationally prominent, four-year liberal arts college that was founded in Colorado Springs in 1874. The college operates on the innovative Block Plan, in which its 1,975 undergraduate students study one course at a time in intensive 3½-week blocks. The college also offers a master of arts in teaching degree. For more information, visit <>.